Your article seems to indicate a fair amount of loathing for Jewish people as a group, to the point of literally taking a negative quality displayed by others and putting the responsibility for it on the Jewish person.
Example: Sasha Baron Cohen didn’t trick those frat guys or anyone else into being racist or antisemitic.
They were bigots before he ever met them, and he tricked them into showing that fact in public by making it seem like he was okay with them being that way.
That’s really quite different from what you said.
Also… Jon Stewart is probably the sharpest wit in the last 50 years, easily. Holds up just fine next to the greats like Henny Youngman or Mel Brooks.
Jewish people are over represented in media, to a degree. They don’t control it.
Look no further than the US News whose biased coverage seems to have gotten you so upset.
Jack Black, Andy Borowitz, Dan Levy, Randy Rainbow, Marc Maron, Larry David.
Plenty of current exceptional Jewish comedians. Not everyone can be the Marx Brothers, but don’t mistake there being 1000x more content than at any point in history with much of it being mediocre for “Jews just not being funny anymore.”
I’ll break down some of your other frankly silly assertions:
There wasn’t much Jewish steel because of the rampant antisemitism in that industry. Google “inland steel” to find out more about that.
The bomb the “Jews” were working on? Come on. Even Stormfront wouldn’t put the Manhattan project in those terms.
Also, there were no less than THREE Pan Arab wars against Israel, and it’s only through the military strength and the intervention of the US that there haven’t been more.
Jews moved to Hollywood because of antisemitism. The reason they dominated the industry is because they took the risks and started the industry, and yes they expected moving pictures to be a big deal at the time.
“Jewish Power?” What? Jewish people represent 2.5% of the US population, and account for roughly 1/3 of all hate crimes against a minority in 2022. Does that sound “powerful” to you?
The US is also probably the safest place for Jews outside of Israel. You’ve got this entire discussion framed upside down.
If Jews are over represented in business and in certain fields it’s because the culture values education and achievement in a way few others do on earth.
There’s also an urgency in being part of a culture that’s under such constant attack that can push people to drive themselves harder.
We don’t know each other but I perceive you mean well and are posting this kind of nonsense out of pain and guilt.
This stuff you’re posting is harmful. Those who would harm Jews will literally share this kind of missive and say “look, even they know they should be exterminated.”
If you find yourself with multiple friends who get so angry that they suddenly stop talking to you, it may be time to examine your behavior before you lose everyone.
You don’t deserve the hate piled on Jews by others, and I’ll tell you right now I certainly don’t either.
Please stop adding to the pile, for both of our sakes, and the other millions of Jewish people who haven’t done anything wrong.
And again, if you think you have done wrong, please find a professional to help you examine that.