Ok… there’s a lot to unpack here.
Most notably, you’re once again behaving as though Jews were a single monolithic group that behaves the same way and believes the same things.
For example, I’ve personally been followed down the street and berated by an Ultra Orthodox Jew for not wearing a yarmulke or being “Jewish” enough in his eyes. He literally wouldn’t stop until I became aggressive and threatened to call the police.
It’s largely the Ultra Orthodox who are responsible for the settler activity in the West Bank I know we both agree is abhorrent. Not sure why you’re specifically excepting them from this rant.
This article in general seems to indicate deep psychological issues I am not remotely equipped to diagnose or help with, but I do strongly suggest you get some help because what you’ve written here simply isn’t healthy or true.
If this is how you’re experiencing Judaism and the wider world in general there is something seriously wrong and I hope you get rhe help you need.