No, vaccine requirements are not just like the Holocaust you insipid ninnyhammer.
Seeing the ignorant and offensive right wing talking point “Vaccine requirements are just like the Nazis” is getting pretty old. I’m seeing and hearing it over and over, and even in today’s “Nicki Minaj got invited to the White House so someone can explain that the vaccine didn’t make her cousin’s testicles swell up” level of insanity, comparing vaccination to industrialized murder stands out as particularly ignorant and absurd.
There is quite a bit in America reminiscent of 1930’s Germany right now. For example: We had the Lt. Governor of Texas basically insisting replacement theory is happening on Laura Ingraham last night, a host who was literally photographed doing a Nazi salute to a giant photo of Trump at the RNC.
Militarized police, a perpetual victim complex, a “stabbed us in the back” big lie and other flagrant falsehoods being repeated on media outlets, yep, there’s a historical parallel there, particularly if you compare the 1/6 failed coup to the Beer Hall Putsch.
Then we have emphasis on demonizing “the other,” be it people of color, immigrants, or more recently anyone on “the left,” which at this point just means anyone willing to say maybe Trump isn’t perfect. These examples are all right out of the Nazi playbook.
But, a vaccine card isn’t a yellow star. You’re free to to get the vaccine whenever you want. It won’t make you a 5G hotspot, it won’t make you magnetic, shed protein spikes, let the government track you, or transform you into the Hulk.
Without a vaccine card you can still vote, own property and businesses, marry, shop, buy things, move freely, and enjoy all the rights of citizenship. You may be inconvenienced due to the choice you’ve made, but that’s it. Pretty different from having your property seized, being rounded up into ghettos, and being loaded into box cars to labor camps and gas chambers, isn’t it?
Crucially, you can choose to get vaccinated for free at any time. My recollection of history class is that things were different for oppressed minorities in Nazi Germany and there was no “opt out” for those targeted by the state.
I’m vaccinated. My entire family is vaccinated. The vast majority of my friends (the sane and rational ones) are vaccinated, and we’re all fine.
I do have a few friends with legitimate medical issues who can’t get the vaccine, and the illogical refusal by the right to allow COVID to rage freely puts them at risk. Anyone who needs to go to a hospital for any reason in a COVID infected state is at risk at this point since their hospitals are all full. That’s before we get into talking about how using entire states as Petri dishes and allowing variants to emerge that can defeat the vaccine isn’t really great policy either.
“Natural Immunity” is my favorite. It basically means “Let’s not take any action to control the virus whatsoever, let everyone get it, and then “the strong” will survive. That legit sounds like a plan that came out of Dachau or Auschwitz.
A vaccine program designed to save lives (and that isn’t even mandatory for citizenship or basic rights) can’t be compared to industrialized segregation and murder.
Dr. Fauci isn’t Josef Mengele, and if you don’t know who Mengele was here’s a hint: You don’t know anything about the Holocaust and shouldn’t be talking about it.