I'm perfectly calm.
That said the rhetoric and hyperbole you're using and your tendency to paint this conflict in black and white terms is a) Ahistorical, and B) contributing to an environment where random Jewish people who have no personal connection to this conflict are getting physically attacked all over the world.
I personally witnessed a near-altercation on what had been a friendly night out less than 48 hours ago on this very topic between two strangers, with one of them citing all kinds of nonsense like some of the stuff in your "David and Goliath" article, so pardon me if I don't cut you slack for writing what appears to be a critique of a 90's scifi film that's actually just an excuse to muse about how those fascist Israeli's are "genociding" those poor defenseless Palestinians.
As for your historical references, no, many of them aren't historical at all. They're part of a carefully curated narrative designed to give Westerners with limited education on this topic the wrong idea.
It's very difficult to find non-biased sources on this topic either way (Both the Israeli and Palestinian causes have seen to that on Google) so I'm just going to cite Wikipedia here to fill in the gaps.
That "4 maps" image you have is a great example.
The first map shows Jewish land ownership in 1946 and gives the false impression that the Palestinians A) had a state in 1948, B) Owned all land not claimed by the Jews, and C) Were even called Palestinians at the time, as though Yasser Arafat had come back in time from 1964 when he coined that term for the Arabs living in the region, or Mohammed Abbas came back from 1988 when the first state of Palestine in all of history declared its independence.
In reality, the green areas on this map is the extent of what the Arabs owned in 1948. Despite their claims, they have never had any kind of dominion over the entire territory since they colonized the region from the Arabian peninsula in the 7th Century.*JCRyxOoMKIIx-RwtKow9Eg@2x.jpeg
Then in 1948 the Arabs who would be known later as the Palestinians rejected the second, less generous partition plan they'd been offered, instead deciding to try to ethnically cleanse the Jews from the region, if not simply kill all of them. Remind me the word for that again?
It was less generous partially due to the fact that the Arabs had very publicly allied themselves with Hitler.
That's why the 1949 map has less territory for the Arabs and more for the Jews. The Arabs started a war and lost it.
After that, Jordan took the West Bank and Gaza became an Egyptian territory, but they refused to integrate the Palestinians, probably saving the Palestinians from trying to assassinate the Egyptian head of state like they did Jordan's.
Then you omit the 1967 map where Israel took the West Bank and Gaza, and the entire Sinai peninsula in another defensive war, and subsequently gave back Gaza and much of the West Bank as part of a peace deal with the Arabs that they never completed.
If you're interested in more of the actual history of the region, I wrote quite a bit on the topic. Happy to back up literally every piece of it if you have questions.
The Israelis have done awful, awful things. The Likud party in charge there is the equivalent of MAGA here, but just like MAGA isn't representative of even the majority of the US population, Likud is only 23% of Israel.
Zionist and Likud aren't synonyms, and while some Zionists overlap with Likud and have beliefs you and I agree are abhorrent, it's not even accurate to paint "Zionists" with the broad brush you're using.
Being so reductive and dismissive of the nuance here is not any better than what you're accusing the Israelis or their supporters of doing, so maybe stop doing it.
One response to all of this is to admit "Hey, what I'm claiming here isn't as cut and dry as I thought and there's a lot of information I didn't take into account and some of what I posted is flat out wrong," and another is to act like the person criticizing you is just a fascist who should be dismissed.
You decide which one you want to give, but that reflects on you, not me.