It’s so interesting to see criticism of the black and white viewpoint fascism requires yet that exact mindset being applied to only one side of the conflict.
Of course Israeli troops are just hate/sex machines as you say, right?
Having grown up with rockets raining down on them and watching what the ideological counterparts of Hamas like Isis, Boko Haram, Houthis in Yemen or Janjaweed in Darfur do when there’s no wall iron dome to stop them can’t possibly drive a rational person to think perhaps the status quo needs to change.
And of course Israelis are just one big ideological bloc with no nuance. Netanyahu is super popular and doesn’t need to kowtow to the far right ultra religious sects to stay in power.
It isn’t just like America where there is a hard right faction that is indeed fascist but it needs to be understood through the lens of history and with the kind of nuance that “Star Wars” style binary morality with a clear good and bad side can’t really handle.
Nope, the Israelis are just bugs who can be easily dismissed in a snide and insulting article that isn’t even honest about the subject it’s discussing or the point it’s making.